Sunday, September 23, 2007

Our first week in Pahrump and we got one hell of a storm! It started at daybreak and went on all day and all night. Sometimes the lightning was too close and the thunder too loud. We had to venture out about 4 pm for ice to have a cocktail and this is what we saw......This is the main street in town. Notice how dark? Pahrump usually gets only 4 inches of rain a year. We got half already! It was cool sitting out under the awning and listening to the storm. This is across the street from us. It made a big mess! Remember this is 4 in the afternoon and it went on all night!
Next day...we went exploring and found a lot of flooding.
Very muddy water about 2 feet deep and running fast over the road. Look at the right of the pic.. white water... let's go rafting.

On our way home. We cut our day out a little short because another storm seemed to be brewing and we didn't want to get caught on the wrong side of the creek, which they call washes cuz the only time the creek has water is when it rains. Which is seldom???????????????

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